Custom Polo Shirt Printing Supplier Custom Team Polo Shirt Manufacturer

Custom Polo Shirt Printing Supplier Custom Team Polo Shirt Manufacturer. Mitä on trikooiden ja paitojen painatus sublimaatiolla? Paineen ja lämmön käyttö korkeassa lämpötilassa, sublimaatiopainatus on yleinen painotekniikka, joka yrittää siirtää kuvion sublimaatiopaperista kankaalle tai materiaalille. It is a simple and affordable method of adding customization to items that is utilized by both businesses and consumers at home. It involves converting the solid ink particles into a gaseous state. Over the past few years, sublimation printing’s popularity has grown due to the great quality of the finished product. The sublimation jerseys and sublimation shirts we produce is becoming more and more popular.