Custom Sublimated Basketball Team Uniform

Custom Sublimated Basketball Team Uniform. Door digitale druksublimatie, Valkout Apparel maakt altijd basketbaltenues op maat. Er is geen minimale bestelwaarde voor onze op maat gemaakte basketbaltenues, en er zijn geen extra kosten verbonden aan het toevoegen van spelersnamen, nummers, kleur, of andere decoraties. We make custom sublimation basketball uniforms in all sizes for kids, tieners, en volwassenen. In addition to single custom sublimated basketball jerseys and reversible custom sublimated basketball jerseys, we are able to produce sublimation single and reversible custom basketball shortsas well. We typically use 140gsm, 100% polyester fabric for sublimated reversible basketball uniforms, which is lightweight and provides a better fit when sewing two single basketball jerseys or two single basketball shorts together.